Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hey everyone,
Today I had my second soccer game. Yesterday we played out of town and won, I scored two goals but my game today wasn't so good...we lost. Today, I also went to the Lutheran church, it was very different but it was nice to see something new. Tomorrow, I will go to school and have my second class of finnish at the Lukio (highschool). So far I am really enjoying myself, school is going very well and the people from Hamina are very easy to get along with. One difference I have seen is that Finns are a lot more quiet, they don't mind sitting together without sayin a word. 
This weekend, Pete and Kaisa my host parents went to a wedding in Helsinki so Kaisa's mom came to stay with me, Anna and Eki. She is very kind and she is also a very good cook. It was nice because she was always baking good sweets :). I always had to tell myself not to eat too much ha. 
One thing you have to try when you come to Finland is their ice cream. In Canada, I hate ice cream but since I'm here I always crave it. Well thats all I have to say today...I hope all is well at home.
Love you all!
My yard again...

My awsome soccer jersey!


  1. Sounds like things are going well for you. It is cold here and rainy today so you aren't missing much weather wise. Randy and I are enjoying reading your blog. We looked up on google earth to see exactly where you are. it is far north and far away. The view from your room is lovely. Looking forward to your next blogs Love you aunty Gervaise

  2. Hey j'aime ta chemise elle est tres sweet.. man sa c'est une awesome view... soph je suis yres fier de toi je savais que tu etait pour etre bonne au sport/track! wel je t'aime xox
